
In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.

- Aaron Rose



My work spans a wide range of industry categories, including interior, industrial, food, portrait, documentary, and travel photography.


Lomography is analogue, creative, slightly unpredictable photography. Images are vivid, might include light leaks and have a distinct retro look. Prints available - contact me for more info!


I love detail. Capturing and communicating elements most people might otherwise never notice or see is highly satisfying.


I take photos. Of people, places and things. To express, document and record. To remember.

But there is more to observe. The way light travels across a face, the detail within the magnitude of creation. The declaration of beauty in colour, the design wonder in shapes. The ability and gift to see these allow me to capture images worth looking at.

My tertiary education includes a Diploma in Professional Photography (Cum Laude), National College of Photography (2005) and
B Sc Physiotherapy, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa (1995-1999)

I lecture part time.

When I'm not working I like being outside. Preferably running.


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